Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Belated Birthday

I feel like such a terrible person at the moment because I missed my blog’s first birthday by about 4 months!  Who does that?  I comfort myself by saying everyone does, but I really have no clue one way or the other.

Anyways, I decided that I wanted to commemorate my blogs birthday by looking back at all of the stats from the last year (and 4 months), that way when birthday number two comes around I will have new statistics to be able to compare the old ones to.
How am I going to do that if I missed the birthday?  I’ll be manually looking through all of the information and using mathematical equations (my mommy would be so proud) to take out any information (and blog posts) that came after the blog’s first year.  It’s better late than never, after all, isn’t it?

So for all those interested, here’s to therainbowinthestorm!
Birth date: 2-13-12

Posts written before the first birthday: 32
Comments posted before the first birthday: 333

Followers: 30

Pageview Monthly Average: 761.3
Pageview Daily Average: 25.6
Top 10 Posts (only including those written before February of this year):

1.)    The Detriment of Modest (shocker)

3.)    Character Study: Deborah (I need to get back to writing those!!!)

5.)    A Butterfly Story (which surprised me)

6.)    Declaration of Chivalry (Matt did such an amazing job!)

7.)    I Give In (not sure why…)

8.)    Heroes

10.) Lying:Right or Wrong? (with Breadwinning Worship almost beating it)

Top 10 Countries Pageviews:

1.)    United States (I’m so surprised)

2.)    Canada

3.)    Russia

4.)    United Kingdom

5.)    Australia

6.)    Germany

7.)    India

8.)    Brazil

9.)    Philippines

10.) Ireland

Top 5 Page Views:

1.)    Fun Facts About Rainbows

2.)    About Me

3.)    More of My Blog Posts

4.)    Why Rainbows in Storms

5.)    Movie Reviews

Top 5 Browsers Used:

1.)    Chrome

2.)    Internet Explored

3.)    Firefox

4.)    Safari

5.)    Mobile Safari

Top 5 Operating Systems:

1.)    Windows

2.)    Macintosh

3.)    iPhone

4.)    Android

5.)    iPad

I’m excited to see how well my blog has done in its first year, and I can’t wait to see how things will change by the time we hit year 2!  Thanks for being a part of that, guys!  Really, a blog birthday is all about celebrating you guys, because without its readers, a blog is nothing. 


  1. *grins* Happy birthday for your blog! :D I loved the stats; I'm always looking at mine too. The USA is at the top of my country page views too; funny that. ;) It beats Australia by about 500 views. o.O

    1. It's crazy, right?!?! :D

      I can't wait till my blog is as active and as widely followed as yours, Aussie. :D

  2. *grins* It's fun to look at the stats.

    Happy Birthday, Blog! Looking forward to another year. :D

    1. Thanks, Mark!

      I love looking at stats. They are so fun and they tell you a lot about your readership. :D

  3. Ireland is on the list! Yes!


  4. Happy blog birthday! I greatly enjoy your blog. :)


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You can even say you liked the post, if you want. I really won’t mind. ;)